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Dr Pierre Farrugia

MD / Eye Clinic


Dr Pierre Farrugia holds an eye clinic every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon and alternate Saturday mornings at National Pharmacy Hamrun (National Medical and Wellness Centre)

Why is regular eye testing important?
Regular eye tests are important because your eyes don't usually hurt when something is wrong. A sight test is a vital health check for your eyes that can pick up early signs of eye conditions before you're aware of any symptoms – many of which can be treated if found early enough.
Optometrists recommend that most people should get their eyes tested every two years. However, in some circumstances, they may recommend more frequent tests.
Eye Clinic is open every Tuesday and Thursday afternoons and alternate Saturday mornings. 

Make an appointment with Dr. Pierre Farrugia Ophthalmologist here

Għaliex huwa importanti li titestja għajnejk regolari?

It-testijiet regolari tal-għajnejn huma importanti għax l-għajnejn tiegħek normalment ma jweġġgħux meta xi ħaġa tkun ħażina. Test tal-vista jistgħa juri sinjali bikrin tal-kundizzjonijiet ta 'l-għajnejn qabel ma tkun konxju ta' xi sintomi - li ħafna minnhom jistgħu jiġu kkurati jekk jinstabu kmieni biżżejjed.

L-optometristi jirrakkomandaw li test ta' l-għajnejn ghandu isir kull sentejn. Madankollu, f'xi ċirkostanzi, jistgħu jirrakkomandaw testijiet ta' vista aktar frekwenti.

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