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How can you take care of your ears?


The most common cause of earwax blockage is 'Do It Yourself' removal. Using cotton buds or pins in your ear canal can also push wax deeper, creating a blockage.


The above video shows why the use of cotton buds (Q-Tips) are bad.


An ENT specialist can remove excessive buildup of wax the safe way by using a gentle suction device within the ear canal and only takes a few seconds.


Tindif tal-Widnejn:


Kif Tista' Tieħu Hsieb Widnejk?


L-iktar raÄ¡uni komuni li l-widnejn jimtlew bix-xema’ hi l-vizzju li nnaddfuhom aħna stess. Li nużaw il-cotton buds fil-widna tista’ Ä¡Ä¡iegħel ix-xema tidħol iktar il-Ä¡ewwa u tispiÄ‹Ä‹a biex tibblokka l-widna.


Il-vidjo hawn fuq juri għala l-użu tal-cotton buds huwa ħażin.


SpeÄ‹jalista tal-ENT jista’ jneħħi ammont żejjed ta’ xema’ b’mod tajjeb billi juża għodda li tiÄ¡bed ix-xema’ minn Ä¡ol-widna għall-barra. Dan jieħu biss ftit sekondi.


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