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Ear, nose, throat logo of an ENT Clinic

Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists

When should I see an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist?


Ear: recurring ear infections, ear pain, difficulty in hearing properly, balance problems, hearing a ringing sound in your ears, feeling trapped water in your ears after a shower/swimming etc.


Nose: repeated nose bleeds, blocked nose of a longer than normal duration, breathing problems, allergies, sinus problems, issues with smell, etc.


Throat: repeated sore throat, voice or swallowing problems, hoarseness etc.


Head and neck problems. ENT specialists can manage problems with the nerves in the head and neck that control sight, smelling, hearing, and facial movements.


Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoon. 


Meta għandi nara speċjalista tal-widnejn, l-imnieħer u l-grizmejn (ENT)?


Widnejn: infezzjonijiet tal-widna rikurrenti, uÄ¡igħ fil-widna, diffikultà biex tisma sew, problemi ta 'bilanÄ‹, smigħ ta' ħoss fil-widnejn, tħoss ilma maqbud fil-widnejn wara doÄ‹Ä‹a / għawm eÄ‹Ä‹.


Imnieħer: imnieħer misdud ghal zmien twiel, problemi tan-nifs, allerġiji, problemi tas-sinus, problemi bix ixom eċċ.


Gerżuma: problemi ripetuti fil-griżmejn, vuċi jew biex tibla ', ħanqa eċċ.


Problemi tar-ras u ta 'l-għonq. L-ispeċjalisti tal-ENT jistgħu jwettqu kirurġija kosmetika u reconstructive f'dawn l-oqsma. Jistgħu wkoll isolvu problemi fin-nervituri fir-ras u l-għonq li jikkontrollaw il-vista, xam, smieh, u l-movimenti tal-wiċċ.


Klinika tal Widnjen, Imnieher u Grizmejn miftuh it Tnejn, Tlieta, Hamis u Gimgha wara nofs in nar.



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